Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Prompt 1 shoot photos

  • Happy-

  • Metal- 

  • Bowie-

  • Square-
  • Merger



  1. Hello!

    I think your pictures are overall pretty good. I like that the water fountain picture was taken from an interesting POV. It brought us up close to it and showed us something that we see everyday in a different perspective, which I think is what a part of photography is all about. (If you want to see more of my comments see my blog.)

  2. ANA! ha i just found out this is your page, i love your bowie photo and how it focuses on the dog really well, it doesn't blend in with anything from the background. I also that you didn't focus the dog in the middle but put it to the side and made it rule of thirds.

    1. Yelenna!!! I didn't know you were taking this class!! And Gracias! <3

  3. Hello,
    I really enjoy the dramatic effect of utilizing the rule of thirds in your "Bowie" photo. It really allows the bulldog to stand out in the foreground in contrast with the background. I also really appreciate the simple beauty of your "metal" photo. The shot of the "happy" photo may have been more effective if taken a little closer. Overall, great photos!
